Friday, March 16, 2012

Google Interview (3)

How would you reverse the image on an n by n matrix where each pixel is represented by a bit?

I: n x n matrix
I[0][0] represents 1 byte at the left-most, top-most corner (8 pixels).

Just image it as columns and rows of pixels.  For example, a line of an image is represented on the screen as columns of pixels:

+----+----+----+ ....+-----+-----+---+
| p1 | p2 | p3 |     |pm-2  | pm-1| pm |
+----+----+----+ ....+-----+-----+---+

In reversed image, it looks like below:

+---+----+----+ ....+----+----+----+
|pm |pm-1 |pm-2|     | p3 | p2 | p1 |
+---+----+----+ ....+----+----+----+

The reverse version would have the column position reversed as well as the bit order in each bit. To do this, we need to read each row of the original image in reverse and also do bit reversal.

We have to be careful when swapping bytes above.  On 32-bit computers, we can swap left-right of every 32-bit integer of columns, or on 64-bit PCs we can do 64-bit (long integer) swapping before doing the bit reverse.

For example:

n = m/(sizeof(long integer)
for i=0 to n
    right_idx = m-1-i;
    swapLongInteger(image[i], image[right_idx])
    i = i + sizeof(long integer)

The call to multiple "Reverse8Bit" above can be put in multithreading/can be done using parallelism to speed up computation.

The pseudo-code is as below:

# I : list original image
# R : reversed image
for i in range(0,n):
    for j in range(0,n):
        R[i][j] = Reverse8Bit(I[i][n-1-j]) 

The Reverse8Bit() function is like below (from

unsigned int v;     // input bits to be reversed
unsigned int r = v; // r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v
int s = sizeof(v) * CHAR_BIT - 1; // extra shift needed at end

for (v >>= 1; v; v >>= 1)
  r <<= 1;
  r |= v & 1;
r <<= s; // shift when v's highest bits are zero

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